Infertility Clinic in Delhi

Infertility Clinic in Delhi
Infertility Clinic in Delhi

Infertility Clinic in Delhi

If these symptoms appear during pregnancy, then meet doctor immediately:

Some mothers pass all stages of pregnancy without any complications, but unfortunately some mothers have to contend with an infection that threatens the health of them as well as newborns (IVF Clinic in Delhi).

Today's time is more special for the women and girls. The goal of this theme is to generate more inclusive systems, regular services and infrastructure for the Sustainable Development Goals.
As a developing nation, India is headed for rapid change and progress, growing foreign investment in thealmost every industry. Despite the country's economic status, the health (Best IVF Centre in Delhi) sector is developing rapidly.

The Sample Registration System (SRS) shows that between 2008 and 2015, 1.13 crore children died in the country before their fifth birthday. More than 55 percent of infants ended their lives before the completion of 28 days.

Some mothers pass all stages of pregnancy (Infertility clinic in Delhi) without complications, but unfortunately some mothers have to contend with an infection that threatens the health of them as well as the newborns. Various complications can be polio, premature birth, cerebral palsy, preeclampsia, clubfoot and abdominal pain.

Cerebral Palsy

According to a report by the Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy, about 33,000 people in the country have cerebral palsy. However, globally, 1 case of cerebral palsy occurs every 500 live births. 13 out of 14 cases of cerebral palsy in India happen in the first month after pregnancy or birth (Best IUI Centre in Delhi).

In fact, from the first day of the pregnancy (Best IVF Clinic in Delhi) until the end of the mother and child grow together, sleep together and eat together. This is the period when the mother has to go through a lot of pain and stress, during pregnancy there are many symptoms that can damage the developing baby's brain and can lead to cerebral palsy later.

There are different types of cerebral palsy:

According to Health Management Information System reports, 5.55 lakh abortions were recorded from April 2017 to March 2018, of which 4.7 lakh occurred in the government hospitals. Abdominal pain is common, although in a few cases it can also cause miscarriage. Other signs of pregnancy (IVF Clinic in delhi) are symptoms such as cramps with or without bleeding, back pain, 5–20 minute contractions, severe genital cramps, unexpected fatigue.


Preterm baby is one that is born between the 24th-37th weeks of the pregnancy. The World Health Organization's Global Action Report on preterm births (Infertility Clinic in Delhi), among other reports, states that the premature birth rate in India is 3,519,100 and about 24 percent of the total. Looking at the figures, India tops the top 10 countries in the globe in premature births with 60 per cent.

Expert advice to avoid this complication is that women should undergo regular health check-ups during the pregnancy and fully follow medical advice on lifestyle changes to maintain proper activity.


Preeclampsia slows down the development of the baby during the pregnancy. Proteinuria, the protein in urine, may be the cause of the preeclampsia when hypertension is detected after 20 weeks of pregnancy.

It has many symptoms, such as preeclampsia headache, abdominal pain, nausea, bloating, and visual disturbances. If diagnosed on time, the mother may receive treatment (Best IUI Centre in Delhi), otherwise it may causes the serious complications such as liver failure and cardiac problems.


Today, due to the runaway stress and lifestyle, pregnant women are suffering from many more abnormalities in their womb. One of such abnormalities is club foot which is a congenital arthropodic anomaly. It is also a congenital disability in which the leg is bent inward or outward.

Although the causes of clubfoot are not clear, scientists believes that this is due to the lack of amniotic fluid in the womb. It is worth noting that amniotic fluid helps in the development of the lungs, muscles and digestive system. Finally, men who have a family history of developing the conditions are at high risk, so women should undergo regular health checkups, being careful beforehand.

Heart Defects

Are those congenital heart disorders that cause the structural problems due to the abnormal formation of the heart or major blood vessels. There are various types of congenital heart defects such as septal defect, ventricular septal defect, atrial septal defect, complete atrioventricular canal defect (CAVC), and valve defect. During pregnancy, a child may be born (Best IVF Clinic in Delhi) with these defects in the heart. Doctors can identify these disorders during pregnancy but diagnosis is not possible before childbirth.

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