Looking for the Best IVF Centre in Delhi

Best IVF Centre in Delhi

Looking for the Best IVF Centre in Delhi

Conceiving a child of one's own is a huge milestone in the couple's life. Sometimes, certain conditions may prevent a couple from naturally conceiving a baby. But, thanks to today's medical advancements, with a little bit of assistance from medical professionals.

IVF or in-vitro fertilization is a procedure in which eggs are collected from the patient's uterus and fused with sperm from the male. This is done in a laboratory condition and the fetus is then implanted into the woman's uterus. After this, a careful observation of the fetus is required for the healthy delivery of the normal baby just like a natural birth.

What are the conditions that require IVF procedure?

IVF is an assisted reproductive technique performed in cases where either one or both partners are infertile. Where can IVF be done for a successful pregnancy:

Blocked fallopian tubes: Fallopian tubes connect to the ovaries to the uterus. It is also the area where egg fertilization occurs with sperm. Any damage or obstruction leads to infertility that can be overcome through IVF.

Fibroids in the uterus:  Fibrous growth in the uterus can cause blockage in the fusion of an egg with sperm causing infertility that can be cured by IVF.
Endometriosis: In this situation, fallopian tubal lining and sometimes endometrial tissue formation on the ovary also occur. It obstructs fertilization. The patient can conceive through the IVF in such situations.

Surgical contraception: If the woman has undergone tubal ligation or tubectomy, and needs to have a child, the couple can opt for IVF procedures.

Intense therapies: In the case of patients who wish to undergo intensive therapy for conditions such as cancer, there is a possibility that chemotherapy or radiation therapy may make the patient infertile. These patients may undergo IVF with a different carrier mother or cryopreserve eggs and undergo IVF after completion of treatment.

Male infertility conditions: IVF not only treats female infertility conditions but also aids fertilization in the male infertility. Conditions like reduced sperm count and semen quality, abnormal size and shape of sperms can be treated through the IVF procedure.

What are the probable complications of IVF procedures?

Some of the possible complications that could occur are:

Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome- Injection of ovulation-stimulating drugs may increase the level of these drugs. This can cause swollen and painful ovaries. The condition usually self-resolves within a week.

Multiple pregnancies- Since many embryos are implanted in the woman's uterus, many pregnancies are likely. With multiple births, there is an increased risk of premature baby births and low birth weight.

Premature childbirth and low birth weight- In the case of IVF there is an increased risk of premature delivery.

Miscarriage: While the rate of miscarriage remains the same in a normal pregnancy, the risk increases as a woman ages. IVF should be reconsidered for patients over 40 years of age as the risk of miscarriage increases.

Ectopic pregnancy- This is a condition where egg implantation does not occur within the uterus but outside the uterus. This can lead to many complications including miscarriage if not previously handled.
Infection, bleeding or organ damage- During egg retrieval, a needle infection can cause injury to organs and tissues that leads to these complications.

Birth defects: Although there is not enough evidence to support this theory, it has been observed that the risk of birth defects is higher in IVF, especially in older individuals.

Dr. Kuldeep Jain is one of the Best IVF Doctor in Delhi, India and work with more than a decade of experience in IVF infertility management.
If you need to understand more about IVF Treatment in Delhi, Best IVF Centre in Delhi, Best Infertility Clinic in Delhi, Best Infertility Treatment in Delhi, Best IVF Centre in Delhi, Best Infertility Specialist in Delhi, IVF Hospital in Delhi, Male Infertility, Infertility Centre in Delhi, Sperm Bank in Delhi, Best Infertility Doctor in Delhi, best tube baby centre in Delhi, Best IVF Centre in Delhi, IVF Clinic in Delhi etc then you can call us at +9196507 25386, +91 011 22503927.


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