Best IVF Treatment Centre in East Delhi


ivf centre in delhi

Best IVF Treatment Centre in East Delhi

In recent years, the IVF treatment or In Vitro Fertilization has become one of the most sought-after techniques for the assistance in conceiving a child for childless couples. IVF treatment is beneficial for the people suffering for any of the following infertility issues.

Tube blockage

Lesser sperm count

Many failed IUI attempts

What is IVF Treatment?

The IVF treatment or In Vitro Fertilization has been a major advance in the treatment of the fertility problems since last 40 yrs. A huge number of childless couple got benefitted from the IVF process.

IVF Injections: The ovary of the healthy female produces 1 egg every month. At initial stage of the IVF treatment, hormonal injections are given to female patient for 10 -12 days, which helps them producing 10 to 15 eggs.

Ovum Pickup: Now these eggs are extracted from the ovaries with the assistance of a fine needle by a quick procedure under short anaesthesia called Ovum Pick Up

Semen Collection: From the male partner of the couples semen sample is taken. This semen sample is further used to the extract healthy sperm which can be helpful in fertilization.

Embryo Formation: The collected sample of the ovum and sperm are made to fuse in laboratory. This can be done by the conventional method where we allow the healthy sperms to the swim and fuse with the egg or by ICSI(Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) where the embryologist injects the egg into the sperm using a fine needle under the microscope so that the fertilization can be achieved.

Embryo Development: Once the fertilization occurs, the embryo develops the inside the laboratory in the initial stages. Its growth is monitored closely and two or one of the best embryos are selected for transfer.

Embryo Transfer: After successful Embryo formation & it’s observation for the 3 to 4 days, it is transferred back in the uterus of the female partner for further development into successful pregnancy.

By following these steps, fertilization through the IVF procedure is achieved. Basically, we can say that the IVF Treatment procedure involves following six steps:

Ultrasound Scan

IVF Injections

Ovum Pickup

Semen Collection

Embryo Formation

Embryo Development

Embryo Transfer

Depending on your situation, we can provide you the best treatment procedure as an IVF specialist.

KJIVF Centre is the foremost name amongst the finest IVF centers in the country. Our distinction comes from globally renowned the IVF specialists and usage of world’s most advanced techniques producing the highest IVF success rate. Our fertility center constitutes a team of passionate and the experienced fertility expert and IVF embryologists in Delhi NCR. We take pride in providing personalized treatments with utmost transparency and the care to produce superior quality infertility treatment and care. At our IVF clinic, the IVF procedure has been made simple concise and patient friendly by wrapping in three visits only. Thus, our team is committed to the fulfilling the dreams of parenthood for the childless couples by providing a holistic range of preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic (corrective) infertility treatments at one place.

Dr. Kuldeep Jain is one of the Best IVF Doctor in Delhi, India and work with more than a decade of the experience in IVF infertility management.

If you need to understand more about IVF Treatment in Delhi, Best Infertility Clinic in Delhi, Best Infertility Treatment in Delhi, Best IVF Doctor in Delhi, Best Infertility Specialist in Delhi, Best IVF Centre in Delhi, IVF Hospital in Delhi, best tube baby centre in Delhi, IVF Centre in Delhi, IVF Clinic in Delhi etc then you can call us at +9196507 25386, +91 011 22503927.


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